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Vision Quests

Why you might consider a Vision Quest:

If you feel that you are at a crossroads in your life or if you have questions about the intent and purpose for your life then you may benefit from a Vision Quest.  What is my life purpose?  What is my gift?  How can I manifest my special talents?  What are my special talents? What am I supposed to be bringing to the world to make it better?  These are some questions that a Vision Quest can help answer.


How to prepare:

Your Vision Quest begins once you have made a commitment to Quest.  It is suggested that you take some time each day to reflect on your purpose for questing.  You may keep a journal during this time to record any insights you may have.  Think about what you want in life: How can I best serve?  What is the path?  What role will I play?  What am I here to fulfill?  Have I felt it?  Have I sensed it?  If not, these are things to strive for.  This is the best preparation to make.

How to prepare physically:

  • Continue with your regular exercise program.

  • Set aside regular periods for meditation and reflecting on the purpose of your Quest.

  • Learn to eat lightly.  Eat until you are almost full and then leave the table.

  • The month before your Quest attempt to eliminate meat, dairy and all animal products from your diet.

  • Gradually over the month eliminate caffeine and tobacco.  This will decrease cravings and the side effects of caffeine and nicotine withdrawal during your Quest.

  • The week before the Quest attempt to eliminate sugar and sweets from your diet.

  • Attempt to drink at least eight glasses of water daily as this will help remove toxins from your body.

What to bring:

  • A prayer stick or power stick. (You may make this from a one or two-foot long stick with objects that have meaning to you.)

  • A tobacco offering for Bear Heart.

  • A tarp or small tent for inclement weather.

  • Comfortable clothes for the Quest itself.  I suggest layered clothing with cold and rain protection because we will be in the mountains and the weather can be warm and mild or snowing raining and freezing even in May.

  • A sleeping bag and ground pad.

  • A blanket or pad to sit on.

  • A note-pad and pen to record your visions and reflections.

  • Two sets of sweat lodge clothing (gym shorts, bathing suit, towels, etc) for two Sweat Lodges, one at the beginning and end of the Quest.

  • For the nights you aren’t actually “on the hill” fasting, you should bring camping gear with food and water.

  • A Give-away item (This is an object, keepsake or possession of yours that may or may not have some intrinsic value that has some special meaning for you.  The idea is to give away this item and any attachments you may have with it in this ceremony.  This is done as a way to let go of the past and release any attachments to it.

  • A food item to share in a light feast following the Quest.


Comments from Cliff and Mike:

Bear Heart giving last minute instructions. Click to enlarge.You will go out around noon and select your spot in the forest. Make a circle in the earth of your perimeter and stay inside your circle until you have your vision or until the 4th day around noon or until you decide its time to come back. There will be a sweat before you go out and again when you return. The supporters will be awake all the time you are out and take turns "keeping the fire". The task is to be by yourself during the Quest in order to get to know yourself. The supporters will "check" on you from time to time. The elements are the easy part. Being without TV, phones, and conversation will be the hard part. 

You also might want to read (or re-read) the next-to-the-last chapter of Bear Heart's book, The Wind Is My Mother, since it covers the Vision Quest. It also provides some assurances on the way he works to protect you while you are out on your Vision Quest. By fasting and going without water (and possibly without sleep if you so chose), you are stressing your body so that the normal mental responses are short-circuited and you are more open to a vision. In Bear Heart's tradition, you will be asked to go without food and water, unless you have special medical requirements, which should be discussed individually with Bear Heart before the Vision Quest. The Vision Quest is a VERY powerful experience and one that you will remember for a long time.

You may take a tarp to get under in case it rains and to use as a sun shade or you may want to put up a small backpacking tent. Some people might chose to go out with only a wool blanket, while others may choose to take more on the mountain.

You will also get instruction directly from Bear Heart immediately before going out.


What does it mean to "Support" at the Vision Quest? Some  people attending the Vision Quest as Supporters have been Supporters in past Vision Quests, and some may have been past Questers on a Vision Quest, so they all have a pretty good idea of what it means to Support at a Vision Quest.  For those that have no direct experience attending a Vision Quest, this will introduce you to the responsibilities and benefits of being a Supporter at the Vision Quest.

Ideally there will be at least as many Supporters as Questers since each Quester can have a specific Supporter that places them on the Questers' spot on the mountain, prays for the Quester, and can check on the Quester (without disturbing the Quester) during the time that the Quester is out on the mountain. In addition, the Supporters will help support Bear Heart and all the other Supporters.

We are asking that Supporters arrive before the start of the Vision Quest and stay until after all Questers have returned and gone through the closing sweat lodge. We feel an important part of the Support process is creating a community focused on supporting the Questers and Bear Heart, the Sponsor. It is important to close the circle with all those that opened it. Others who would like to support the Vision Quest process may attend whatever time they can, but they will not be Supporters.

Supporting is a form of Quest in itself. Those that are Supporters will have a time for reflection and meditation like the Questers, but they will not necessarily be fasting like those that are the Questers. The Supporters can look for insights in the company of the other Supporters. In addition, you will have daily interaction with Bear Hear and will participate in a sweat lodge for the Supporters.

The Supporters also will participate in keeping the fire burning until all the Questers have returned. This is an excellent time to meet and get to know the other Supporters. Usually the all night vigil with the fire is shared among the supporters in shifts. The Supporters also will assist in the communal kitchen in preparing meals (including bringing food donations for some meals for the camp) and in cleanup/ doing dishes.

One significant benefit to being a Supporter is that you will have first-hand experience of a Vision Quest and it may help you eliminate some of the fears you  might have about the question "Can I do a Vision Quest?" Seeing the Questers coming back from the mountain with their visions and all the benefits of their visions might encourage you to "sit on the mountain" in the future.

As you can see, being a Supporter is NOT just going on a camping trip.

To participate in a vision quest led by Bear Heart, you should click on "Schedule" to see if a vision quest is already scheduled, then go to "Contact" to discuss the possibility of being invited  to participate in a vision quest. 


This page updated 05/09/2005.


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